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Check out our newest eco-Andersonville program to put a parklet in Andersonville!


In Andersonville, we’re serious about environmental sustainability. Our eco-Andersonville program, launched in 2008, aims to lower Andersonville’s impact on the planet and keep us vibrant for the long haul, with programs including:

Sustainable Business Certification: eco-Andersonville's groundbreaking sustainable business certification program certifies Andersonville businesses using rigorous standards and provides them with substantial assistance in adopting and promoting sustainable business practices.

Streetscape Recycling Program: Andersonville is the first Chicago neighborhood to install recycling receptacles on our commercial strip! We contract with The Resource Center for hauling which guarantees a 99% recycling rate!

Events, Audits, and More: Our green and sustainable events, energy audits, and commercial composting are marking Andersonville as Chicago's premier "green" community.


For more information on eco-Andersonville, visit the website!

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Download ADC's 2009 Greenbuild presentation "Revitalizing Main Streets: The inherently sustainable and vibrant city centers."